This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'FBF-CON'

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Author Slick265
Tags action author:slick265 contest fbf-con unrated
Created 2010-03-01
Last Modified 2010-03-01
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description say fbf-con 10 times fast

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-2 Slick Does All' Thumbnail of the map '00-3 Can Yoh do it?' Thumbnail of the map '00-4 A Hero Can Save Us' Thumbnail of the map '01-0 Sex with Atob' Thumbnail of the map '01-1 Mighty Wallet' Thumbnail of the map '01-2 No maps with unread comments'
00-2 Slick Does All 00-3 Can Yoh do it? 00-4 A Hero Can Save Us 01-0 Sex with Atob 01-1 Mighty Wallet 01-2 No maps with unread comments


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But I think I really enjoy going through the tunnels. 3/5
Demo Data

First Try AGD

I did not like the gold placement personally. I also believe it may be cheatable. On the positive side, the rocket was relatively effective, as was the mine placement.
Demo Data

decent agd.

It is sorta annoying that you either can get the gold through the tunnels or get the two switches. Plus you have to go over the key directly or you only catch the trap doors. But I like that you don't have to be troubled by any enemies except the mines...
Demo Data

Nice map.

I am going to play it, getting a agd, and a speed.