03-0 maddness

Thumbnail of the map '03-0 maddness'

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Author thereisaspoon
Tags action author:thereisaspoon spoonepisodes unrated
Created 2010-03-06
Last Modified 2010-03-07
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '01-4 Stratified' Thumbnail of the map '02-0 paradox' Thumbnail of the map '02-1 Flash Bang' Thumbnail of the map '02-2 to sides of the same coin' Thumbnail of the map '02-3 Contained' Thumbnail of the map '02-4 Maze'
01-4 Stratified 02-0 paradox 02-1 Flash Bang 02-2 to sides of the same coin 02-3 Contained 02-4 Maze


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This gets annoying

try to avoid it in the future, getting pinned in a small space with a rocket and a laser
Demo Data
theres a map that was subb'd 99 mins ago and its currently 13'th place on the hotmaps.
How many people are submitting maps now??!?!???!!
Anyway, this map is quite fun, so I'm 4aving it.
Death demo, I had some good dodges there ;_;
Demo Data