Serenigma (feat. Sept)

Thumbnail of the map 'Serenigma (feat. Sept)'

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Author solitude
Tags author:solitude sept unrated
Created 2010-03-07
Last Modified 2010-03-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Rough side of the gem.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'title track' Thumbnail of the map 'yo countdown!' Thumbnail of the map 'Pistachio Blues (feat. Inspired)' Thumbnail of the map 'Solow' Thumbnail of the map 'float on' Thumbnail of the map 'setyourhaironfire'
title track yo countdown! Pistachio Blues (feat. Inspired) Solow float on setyourhaironfire


Pages: (0)

agd -15

I fail at n
Demo Data
my kind of pack. conceptual, simple, and a focus on the fun.


this is generic as hell.
its like, his style. man.