I Told Everyone About What We Did in the Park

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Author 47percent
Tags action author:47percent idunnolol jump mines rocket unrated
Created 2010-03-19
Last Modified 2010-03-19
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I had my first real girlfriend as a sophomore in high school. I was nerdy, had long hair, wore the same ball cap every day, etc. But I got a good looking goth/punkish girl. And it was awesome, for a while. Then she started to hate me for something and broke up with me and spread rumors about me.

I give her a lot of shit nowadays. But I think going out with her boosted my confidence permanently enough to actually be ok with meeting people. If not for her, who knows, maybe I still wouldn't have any friends.

... Still, though. Fuck you, Jade.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Red Crochet Mallet' Thumbnail of the map 'The Scientists Were Dismayed!' Thumbnail of the map 're v  e   r    B' Thumbnail of the map 'Christmas Day, Approximately 9:00 PM.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Stage and School' Thumbnail of the map 'Tiger Beat'
A Red Crochet Mallet The Scientists Were Dismayed! re v e r B Christmas Day, Approximately 9:00 PM. The Stage and School Tiger Beat


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"I was nerdy, had long hair, wore the same ball cap every day, etc."

Party on! Excellent!

ha ha ya 47% of my dick in yor mouth lol