120-3: Cronies Cynic

Thumbnail of the map '120-3: Cronies Cynic'

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Author cucumber_boy
Tags action areatrigger author:cucumber_boy kk nreality playable rated
Created 2010-04-15
Last Modified 2010-04-15
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description I only used NReality for the asthetics of not having to place mines everywhere on the bottom

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '119-2: Doctor Hun' Thumbnail of the map '119-3: Doctor Man' Thumbnail of the map '119-4: Make A Really Really Hard Map' Thumbnail of the map '120-0: Potence' Thumbnail of the map '120-1: Three Mile Island' Thumbnail of the map '120-2: The Mentalist'
119-2: Doctor Hun 119-3: Doctor Man 119-4: Make A Really Really Hard Map 120-0: Potence 120-1: Three Mile Island 120-2: The Mentalist


Pages: (0)


Demo Data


too hard for me, but great look.



Also it reduces lag

Because it is only two if statements each frame (if ninja in area, and if ninja touches mine) which is alright because there is one one mine (instead of for every other mine that would have had to be there)

instead of one if statement for each mine that would have had to be there (if ninja touches mine multiplied by number_of_mines)
It covers the entire border...i think 1 tile each direction, and all the code is after the !12 (mine), so it will work it just just rip everything behind the last mine

Great level

AMAZING use of nreality. I'm going to steal this so many times over.



Demo Data

first nreality demo

i finnaly did it. you know, if this would be borring i wouldnt of made it, wich is why im giving it a 5/5 & faveing it.
But it is indeed well made. And a more 'intellegent' way of using Nreality. 4/5

sexy dude,

as always.