Comments on "City"

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Fuck, it's a race!

Now I'm even more confused


Incredibly counfusing. How is my demo that short? O.o
Demo Data

just wow =)

but now I do, and that's kind of awesome.
i think, though, that the fun in this map lies in performing the mechanics correctly. parkour may be senseless in the mechanical face of it, but it is fun as all hell to do flips off of the sides of buildings and jump over tall obstacles. it's supposed to be fun to navigate all the puzzles and creative flow types in this kind of map, even though it might not be speedy or curvy. it is a race in the sense that the path flows and you're trying to go fast. i do see what you mean, though.

Sorry, yeah.

I've never been partial to this style; it's so convoluted and, frankly, ridiculous. I understand that this is a race in the sense that you want to go as fast as possible, but it reminds me of Parkour -- you bounce off a bunch of shit for no reason. It's not even close to a "race" race, where you follow the curve of the map to pick up speed, etc.
This is like a Rube Goldberg machine, overly-complex for something as simple as a race.
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very abstractish. 4
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What's your Steam handle?

You already know everything I would say about this.
Demo Data
My mind will come to this for a very long time.. a very long time. I love how this turned out!

this deserves a feature.

it's a race.

i think the path is not actually all that difficult to follow. there is a lot going on, but the path itself is not too obscure. just follow mechanic after mechanic, and take a bit of time to think through mechanics that you can't solve right away. this map doesn't unfold itself to just any player as they play it. that doesn't detract from its quality.


I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this map.
Demo Data
i realize it is quite difficult to get right, but i still think that all the mechanics work quite nicely together, and are satisfying overall.



a lot better than my version of it. very technical. i like it! :D

flow/path demo

Demo Data