
Thumbnail of the map 'C1-inception'

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Author The_Mingler
Tags author:the_mingler hard mines rated slanted tileset tricky
Created 2010-09-22
Last Modified 2010-09-22
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description this is inception.
the idea of this level is not only to create a slanted level but also to "create" a new set of tiles if you look at the level the way it is slanted.
the "inception" part of it, which is also the main goal of the level, is to look at the level in a slanted fashion which will change the whole notion of gravity and way of movement in the level, which also allows you to walk on walls and ask yourself "why are the objects slanted?"
i guess that's enough for description.

Other maps by this author

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i tried to wall jump on the jump several times!


"the right side was just killing me"
-that's ok you still got a pretty cool demo there :D

"a pretty cool concept. i tried playing the whole thing with my head tilted to the left and it was actually quite a challenge."
-The idea actually came when I was trying to draw an ant (i guess you would wonder what the hecks got through me...?).

-That's all it's about. :D

"maths is pretty straight forward!"

"Amazing tileset! Feels like running around in a sinking ship."
-That's what i thought of too at first :D
"I lost my perspective while playing o_o"
-Everyone does >:)

Thank you everyone for the comments. I am sure to read them even if i might not respond directly.


Amazing tileset! Feels like running around in a sinking ship.

I lost my perspective while playing o_o

Demo Data


maths is pretty straight forward!


Thanks dude for the comment! :D :P

not bad

a pretty cool concept. i tried playing the whole thing with my head tilted to the left and it was actually quite a challenge.
clever route to get to the exit.
the right side was just killing me
Demo Data