The Coffee Machine of DOOM

Thumbnail of the map 'The Coffee Machine of DOOM'

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Author lori_csabi
Tags action author:lori_csabi half nice short unrated
Created 2010-09-27
Last Modified 2010-09-27
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description you are the coin.. of doom :)
have funn

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Revenge of the gods' Thumbnail of the map 'Mario wasn't home..' Thumbnail of the map 'Castel of doom and lots of mines' Thumbnail of the map 'the key of life' Thumbnail of the map '6:15 in the morning' Thumbnail of the map 'Universal Clock'
Revenge of the gods Mario wasn't home.. Castel of doom and lots of mines the key of life 6:15 in the morning Universal Clock


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v interesting map esp with that name. nice run on nreality


Got greedy...

Demo Data

intended route..

Demo Data