Greasy Totem Pole

Thumbnail of the map 'Greasy Totem Pole'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author n_sanity
Tags author:n_sanity n-art nart tileset tribalnartmappack unrated useable
Created 2011-06-27
Last Modified 2012-05-07
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My second N art. I'm so proud.

You can use this tileset if you want to, but please credit me in the description and leave a comment on my map telling me that you used it. Thanks.

Other maps by this author

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1337 n_sanely awesome Labyrinth Decently Awesome 167 Chieftan Flying Eagle


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I like this tileset

I'm gonna use it for one of my mine-jumper levels

Go ahead.

Just credit it and you can use it.



fbf = Frame By Frame. Nice tiles btw...


I like the kind of tribal style. I'm sure you could have come up with a good level for this. Did you try?