16-3 Lost in The Interwebs

Thumbnail of the map '16-3 Lost in The Interwebs'

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Author R3D_N1NJ4
Tags 16-3 2 author:r3d_n1nj4 episodic series unrated windows
Created 2012-10-29
Last Modified 2013-12-03
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description deffinately not the hardest minejumper. but i thought it was pretty fun. hope you like it. this is obvcourse an entry for lfaber's contest.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '15-2 New Terrain' Thumbnail of the map '15-3 Black and White' Thumbnail of the map '15-4 Luck O' the Ninja' Thumbnail of the map '16-0 Se7enth Sun' Thumbnail of the map '16-1 Carefull, You May Get Ncapitated' Thumbnail of the map '16-2 Honeycomb Legend'
15-2 New Terrain 15-3 Black and White 15-4 Luck O' the Ninja 16-0 Se7enth Sun 16-1 Carefull, You May Get Ncapitated 16-2 Honeycomb Legend


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This is sweet! Loved the direction yo went with. 4/5
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Sorry, I wrote a wrong map number to N-reality.


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...well here is a kinda speedy completion...

...and idk if im doing something wrong but Ors's demos dont work at all lol...
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sub 666 XD

This was fun and flowy like a race. I liked so much the rating is 4.5/5/\
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My first try!

Demo Data


i really enjoy making mine jumpers. and i try to make them as enjoyable as i can


...third try AGD- as you can obviously tell i didnt find a smooth route, but that doesnt mean there isnt one! and i intend to find it after this AA meeting im going to... very cool map(i love dodging mines) and i really like the beginning jumps to get outta the hole you start in :P...

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