Supreme Pizza!

Thumbnail of the map 'Supreme Pizza!'

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Author 123leonidas321
Tags action author:123leonidas321 fun jumper pizza unrated
Created 2012-12-17
Last Modified 2012-12-17
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A delicious pizza with a variety of several toppings! Originally there were gauss turrets, but it became over-challenging, so I took them out. Now it is more of a jumper-map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Edge of Skill' Thumbnail of the map 'Parietal' Thumbnail of the map 'N the Adventurer(First DDA)' Thumbnail of the map 'That One Annoying Guy...(SECOND DDA)' Thumbnail of the map 'FOR VODKALOVER' Thumbnail of the map 'Intersection'
The Edge of Skill Parietal N the Adventurer(First DDA) That One Annoying Guy...(SECOND DDA) FOR VODKALOVER Intersection


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Alright, I sent you a message on the forums. I edited it once, so if you've already seen it check out the revision. Thanks for your help man.

What is your username on the metanet forums? I can't find it in the search engine.


before you start, send me a list of rules, prizes, the map, etc. and ill try to approve :D

also lemme start working on the other layout.

ps. You can just call me Leo ;)
pps. Don't be dishearted if people don't do the contest, lots of times things go unnoticed

I still don't feel decent enough at any part of this game to host a contest, but I'll give it a shot Leon. and I will really appreciate it if you judge with me. Does the metanet forums have private messaging?
like I did on that last map. Post rules (ill help) and prizes and stuff.

You should get to know more people on this site, basically everyone on my "cool people" list on my profile is someone you should get to know. Introduce yourself :D

You only really need one judge, thats what I am doing for my contest, but if you want a second opinion ill help judge.

also, here is a cool link, the link before going to the metanet forums [] is where you can paste map data and it shows previews of a level, same with packs (except this is for a mappack, include &userdata= at the top) NADS doesnt work, ignore it.

if you dont want to use paste.dronies, use pastebin.

hope this helped

Just reply on this map..

Anyways, how should I post it? And I don't know anyone on this site besides you (and I don't really know you).. So who else should I talk to about judging? And how do I post codes without posting entire levels?

Here. []

Gosh dangit, resizing it didn't work. Any tips for getting you this code?

This, is not a demo.. but rather the code for the contest thingie we've been discussing. I don't know if I have the time or the connections to start the contest and run it.. but I could definitely help judge. You should totally do this contest after you finish judging your current contest! Tell me if you like the objects I've set up.. or is it too much?



I did have a bunch of maps like this when I started but they got 2s too. I dont want to discourage you but i'm not going to lie either. You have several good maps, this is not one of them.

too easy for you.

too easy can be good sometimes. Traveleravi I know you started out like this too, so shuddup.
(we want to /encourage/, not /discourage/)
I give it a 5/5 for motivation.
just know that maps like these will not recieve 5/5's in the future.... unless xerces really likes you.

Boring, the enemies do nothing there are too many useless things, too easy...

If it wasn't a pizza I would give it a 1, but being a pizza is a +1 so 2/5