
Thumbnail of the map 'Cassanova'

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Author turtles
Tags author:turtles cassanova mine minejumper playable tiestbro unrated
Created 2012-12-27
Last Modified 2012-12-27
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It's a mine jumper. No tricks: you get flat ground, tile space, and you only have to turn around if you're really that greedy to want all the gold. Not too hard (though I haven't playtested an agd; I'm just assuming it's possible). Hope your holidays have been fantastic and I love you all.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '20-0 Primary Active Transport' Thumbnail of the map '20-1: Slender' Thumbnail of the map '20-2: Cheat' Thumbnail of the map '20-4: Well Hung' Thumbnail of the map '21-0: Serpent's Pass' Thumbnail of the map 'You never really know for sure what's about to happen until'
20-0 Primary Active Transport 20-1: Slender 20-2: Cheat 20-4: Well Hung 21-0: Serpent's Pass You never really know for sure what's about to happen until


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Good Demos

and thanks again everyone

holy crap

those last two floors...
But I'll watch your demos when I get back. Glad you guys love it <3

I am actually in love with this. Can't stop trying. My first 5 in a long time.

Killer. Love it.
Demo Data

... far as i could get within 5 tries...

...i will AGD this someday haha...
Demo Data

Thanks guys

The gold is mostly there to taunt the people who go back and agd my maps (and make me feel like I suck at this game (because I kinda do)). <3
Demo Data

Fun map

but I don't know what single sane alive mortal non-high walking human would attempt to go back and get that gold. Especially because each gold piece is not worth more than 2 seconds. But otherwise, good job
Perhaps this demo will enlighten you...

Love you anyway.
Demo Data
to complete this in normal way