block mountain(cubecore)

Thumbnail of the map 'block mountain(cubecore)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author shink1234
Tags author:shink1234 cubecore playable puzzle survival unrated
Created 2012-12-31
Last Modified 2012-12-31
Map Data

Description my first tags

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'teleports?' Thumbnail of the map 'this map for Mr_Lim' Thumbnail of the map 'cyper rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'bracking laser' Thumbnail of the map 'mini mine(hardcore)' Thumbnail of the map 'late dance'
teleports? this map for Mr_Lim cyper rooms bracking laser mini mine(hardcore) late dance


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is this even possible?

the thwump gold is fucking badass and impossible to get. ;d

rthe 6 zap drone room.. no chance.

dat gauss

dat gauss dat gauss dat gauss dat gauss dat gauss dat gauss dat gauss
Demo Data

the mine room

is very ununicornish.
Demo Data

shit death lol xD

this is fun ;D
Demo Data