
Thumbnail of the map 'Announcement'

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Author fonda
Tags announcement author:fonda n-art paper rated
Created 2013-03-28
Last Modified 2013-03-28
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I'm NOT leaving NUMA guys. I'm just posting maps about a few hours, maybe 5 after playing BTD5 because co-op mode just released and I want to try it out.

If you're wondering what the n-art is, it's a paper.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Floor Mines' Thumbnail of the map 'Glitchy buggies' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to Zap Land' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Let It See You!' Thumbnail of the map '14-1 Rotated Junkyard' Thumbnail of the map 'Trick Em''
Floor Mines Glitchy buggies Welcome to Zap Land Don't Let It See You! 14-1 Rotated Junkyard Trick Em'


Pages: (0)

Is that straight paper or folded?


to making sure your narts are good.

if you have to tell us what they are, they aren't.
I didnt understand a single sentence...

If you're confused,

I'm just going back and forth. I WILL still actually PLAY N and get more flavours. I will announce I got the dark red flavour on my user page soon.