More Or Less

Thumbnail of the map 'More Or Less'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author woutery
Tags action author:woutery imagemap nreality rated
Created 2013-05-19
Last Modified 2013-05-19
by 8 people.
Map Data


When there's a time that N will look like this - will it look better or worse? I'm guessing that removing stuff will add more to it, yet making it look like this map is an overdeed to the simplicity of this masterpiece of a game.

I figured that this map would push one of my maps off of the hot pages, so delisting isn't needed :D

Something about the map now: i was trying to make this have the feel of the original game while being refreshing in the image map, at the same time. I feel like i succeeded.

And one more thing: while editing i accidentally clicked the quit button, so i had to recreate the whole tileset from the background image i had. :/

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'consonant binder' Thumbnail of the map 'hopeless situation' Thumbnail of the map 'Checks' Thumbnail of the map 'droNe escape' Thumbnail of the map 'Wall climb mechanic' Thumbnail of the map 'No Space'
consonant binder hopeless situation Checks droNe escape Wall climb mechanic No Space


Pages: (0)

First try AGD. Image is neat.
Demo Data


Slow? I don't think that's slow though. Good AGD i guess.

I also might do more of this soon, dunno though since i have exams tomorrow D:

Slow AGD.

Really cool image style. I like it.
Demo Data


Oh... meh, i'll censor it the next time.
