
Thumbnail of the map 'Pacing'

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Author ChrisE
Tags author:chrise laser rated
Created 2013-06-06
Last Modified 2013-06-06
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description A race sort of

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '667 Dark Avenue' Thumbnail of the map 'Roost' Thumbnail of the map 'I Am Cross (feat. Sunset)' Thumbnail of the map 'Crowned' Thumbnail of the map 'Halves' Thumbnail of the map 'Walls Collapsible'
667 Dark Avenue Roost I Am Cross (feat. Sunset) Crowned Halves Walls Collapsible


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This is beautiful. You ramped up the switch difficulty really well.
Demo Data
This has to be map of the year or something.
Demo Data


If this map

was an actress, it'd be Lucy Flawless.


with the first 3 switches.
Demo Data


Wish the difficulty was more consistent, enjoyable otherwise

Good map

Would've preferred some challenge gold, and it is annoyingly cheatable. But otherwise a solid effort. :)

Not as fast as Pony's but same idea:
Demo Data

Demo Data

oh what yes, my 5 bumped it to a 5 uberalles :D

I wish it wasn't beatable in the way that a_p was able to beat it, but it's still awesome. cool stuff christey


really enjoyed this one, congrats on getting something rated on Numa ;)


super cool! nice nice nice nice. I'm so tired holy shit
Demo Data

great execution. the tiles kinda look like fire
although this execution is great.

BTW I got a pre-earned shot from the laser :P

4/5. great tileset also
Demo Data


i called it an agd but there's no gold i'm dumb


Channeling BuddyLee, eh?
Demo Data

well, tried forever to get a fast completion without using switches, but couldn't quite do it. so here's a completion using just the first four.

nice concept and execution, love this map. have a 5 :)
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*gets ready to play*