Graviton Swells

Thumbnail of the map 'Graviton Swells'

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Author Yahoozy
Tags action author:yahoozy playable rated
Created 2014-06-09
Last Modified 2014-06-09
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description VORTEX WORLD

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'No Slouching!' Thumbnail of the map 'Expedition to the Hairier Peaks' Thumbnail of the map 'Process' Thumbnail of the map 'Yellotone' Thumbnail of the map 'Sleepingbeast' Thumbnail of the map 'Range'
No Slouching! Expedition to the Hairier Peaks Process Yellotone Sleepingbeast Range


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It would be really cool if inside each launchpad circle there were a launchpad teleporter that sent you to a previous section or even the very beginning.


hm yeaaa it would be frustrating to be sent uncontrollably half way across the map if they were outward facing. I think that inwards and outwards concept might work on a map with no tiles at all..

i rated 3, stars didnt change
I'll definitely definitely beat your range map ehh

It's okay if they don't like my map, man. I still like it.
29403 's one, its not like Yahoozy never makes a decent gameplay map tsk tsk
you can still edit it to make some jumppads face in and some out. It wouldnt be 'super easy' then at all :)

i concur with ferox

fucking annoying, to be honest
style over decent gameplay


i think

this would be cooler if all the launchpads were faced the opposite way. be much easier, but more forgiving.
Thing is, launchpads will still launch you if you get close to them but don't touch them, making this super annoying. 3/5

A bit frustrating because the backside of a launchpad isn't the most precise of hitboxes. But the map is cool.

An agd.

I don't know about this. Aside from the launchpads that trap you in the exit tunnel, all of the other pads were effectively lethal, which just made me wonder how it is preferable to use launchpads over mines?

This is especially frustrating since they often seem to pull you in without being touched...

I'd contrast this with the early section of [] where I think the launchpads work really well.
Demo Data


Demo Data

4/5 nice

but hard, you did quite well at making a rageful lvl :D


Carefully executed too, could have been too frustrating easily but hits the right level. Looks really nice.
Demo Data