
Thumbnail of the map 'Threads'

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Author lifdoff
Tags action author:lifdoff gauss hard lasers rockets unrated
Created 2014-11-24
Last Modified 2014-11-24
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Quite easy to do, extremely hard to all-gold.

Other maps by this author

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Cascade Abyss Broken Asteroid Belt Dead Day


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

AGD -6 :D

I decided to not go for the gold that seemed too hard to get, I use that strategy in hard levels, when I pick up only the easier to get gold, because I usually die a lot even without the harder gold.

I like the way this map looks. But there are a lot of enemies and AGD is really hard, even this demo took me some time. Map is pretty good, but I don't like when a map is too hard or frustrating to play. Luckily, this map is playable for completetion/speedrun and very hard only for AGD as you say, so It's ok to me.
Demo Data