Gesuido Heisoku

Thumbnail of the map 'Gesuido Heisoku'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Fujita_Seiko
Tags author:fujita_seiko fun medium unrated
Created 2014-12-03
Last Modified 2014-12-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Made in Nv2

Name means Sewage obstruction.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Guriddo Insatsu' Thumbnail of the map 'Memai suru' Thumbnail of the map 'Tengoku no   kumo' Thumbnail of the map 'Inochishirazu no monogatari' Thumbnail of the map 'Ocha kan Torai!' Thumbnail of the map 'Taimuauto'
Guriddo Insatsu Memai suru Tengoku no kumo Inochishirazu no monogatari Ocha kan Torai! Taimuauto


Pages: (0)

AGD; very easy but cute map
Demo Data

Thanks lifdoff

I watch your demo now :)

Don't no: is it comment to replay as OP in NUMA?
Even though it was really rather easy, it was still a fun map to play.
Demo Data