(0:1:1) Emerald

Thumbnail of the map '(0:1:1) Emerald'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:donolefr dono01x unrated
Created 2015-04-03
Last Modified 2015-04-03
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '(0:0:5) Cardinal' Thumbnail of the map '(0:0:6) Raven' Thumbnail of the map '(0:0:7) Hummingbird' Thumbnail of the map '(0:0:8) Lark' Thumbnail of the map '(0:0:9) Eagle' Thumbnail of the map '(0:1:0) Ruby'
(0:0:5) Cardinal (0:0:6) Raven (0:0:7) Hummingbird (0:0:8) Lark (0:0:9) Eagle (0:1:0) Ruby


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Do you want to post it?

No problem.


You have to send me the new link though. Old links don't contain the new stuff, it just works the other way.



Let's do it

Yeah, it's cool.

Wanna collab?


Especially the way I make maps. I try to mix it up and I end up with something just like this.
Sometimes the mapping has a mind of its own, right?
I was actually planning on switching up my style for these next ten maps, but then I fell back into the same style again. Oops.

First try AGD.

I dig your style - kinda like a busier PALEMOON, maybe. And this map is quite cool.

That said, I think your maps could be a little more varied. I dig them individually, but many of your maps have a very similar aesthetic to them. You're not a new mapper, so you probably know that and are doing intentionally, just figured I'd mention it. :)

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