Tortellini with a side of Rice and Beans

Thumbnail of the map 'Tortellini with a side of Rice and Beans'

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Author egghead4
Tags author:egghead4 playable race rated
Created 2006-02-01
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Yummy yummy. No seriously. This map is so fun it tastes like tortellini and rice and beans. it is fairly easy-well, most of the time. Hope you like and look foward to the sequel!

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Thumbs up!

I love race maps. With a passion. They are like ddas where you control the character (is that an oxymoron?) 4.5/5


ngaged.. you dont have to go out of the flow to get any gold....


Some parts were a little strange. Like that part where you get that speed boost in the tile. Didn't like that. I didn't like how you had to go out of the flow to get certain gold. Okay map.


seemed to easy... ending was no good.... overall i liked the map layout but lots of running wihtout any enemies... try to make it more challenging.... i did like the use of the wall segment to slingshot though


Here is a demo. I sorta messed up at a part but i didnt did so i thought : who cares it is still a good demo
Demo Data


Here is a demo. I sorta messed up at a part but i didnt did so i thought : who cares it is still a good demo
Demo Data
Definitlya keeper. A sequal should be fun!