
Thumbnail of the map 'Speed'

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Author Bleucoco
Tags author:bleucoco dda rated
Created 2006-05-26
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Just a quick trapdoor speeder.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Roman Mine Dodger' Thumbnail of the map 'Wanna Die?' Thumbnail of the map 'Drooping Moon Flower v.2'
Roman Mine Dodger Wanna Die? Drooping Moon Flower v.2


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You've won a ded, but can i shorten your name a bit as it will be in it?



.. I've rated over a thousand maps and, no offence, but this level suuuuuuuuucks. I beat it in like, 27 seconds on my first try.



Not only did you mannage to rip of a wounderful map, but you also mannaged no to credit it. As a dda itself it also sucks. I mean I'm sorry, but if this was my map I wound be kinda pissed!
Was the tileset of a metanet level "69-2". When you are usig a tileset please credit the maker of the tileset (unless it's yourself"


It's not too "skilled" if you understand what I mean, but I know how hard only propelling the ninja can be, so it's not that bad. I only give you 2.5 though.

strangley enough...

i enjoyed it. 3.5
I liked the speed and use of area. Problems were that the ending sucked...horribly, and there were no enemies. But keep at it. Maybe youll be great one day... *wink*

not to bad

nothing that interesting