run to life

Thumbnail of the map 'run to life'

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Author shadowtris
Tags author:shadowtris playable race unrated
Created 2006-07-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Pretty poor

even for you first try. Though mine wasn't much better.

BTW Carl you forgot to reset the map, he starts at the end.
This is a bad map. you are obviously new, so I fixed some of the main problems. Oh, and this is an action map.



THis is crap...You should never cluster mines, now realy what is the point of having all those mines on the bottom all it does, its takes longer to load and looks stupid and when you get to the end of the run at the bottom there's to much gold around the trigger so you basically stop and have to jump to get the rest of the gold and i dunno if its just me but when yo start using the jump things on the left the second always throws me into the mines