Temptation Reloaded

Thumbnail of the map 'Temptation Reloaded'

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Author poppinfresh
Tags author:poppinfresh gold mines playable strange survival unrated
Created 2006-07-20
Last Modified 2007-06-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description If you can replicate what I do in my demo, you won't get a ded, but you WILL have wasted some time in a random but satisfying pursuit, and I might even rate some of your maps--objectively.

So, turn on some good music, stretch your fingers, and see how long it takes you to get every last piece of gold and live to tell.

Other maps by this author

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The Boss Drone!!! nonconforMity eNigma Temptation Ninja vs. Drone


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he means try to get all of the gold


I don't get it :/
Demo Data


there are 32 pieces of gold on each mine, and the second and fourth piles are picked up less readily. Don't you love the idiosyncrasies of n?
Demo Data