Tony Montana

Thumbnail of the map 'Tony Montana'

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Author Cossack
Tags author:cossack n-art rated
Created 2006-09-23
Last Modified 2006-09-23
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I tried to make sigil of my fav character out of a film. Its from scarface for all those poor souls who havnt seen that movie. I didnt get the bit in the middle too well. Please dont be too harsh - and if someone can make a level out of this without ruining it (if it can be improved feel free to try) then by all means - just cred me please. (the reason its in n art is coz it i concider it that and incomplete together - but coz its not got anything in it at all i think for now it will be art)
P.S. - commendation to anyone that understood my twisted reasoning there :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Time waster' Thumbnail of the map 'Concept Dragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Twists in the Ground' Thumbnail of the map 'One more cant hurt... can it?' Thumbnail of the map 'Ded to the Unknown mapper' Thumbnail of the map 'Life in a Circle'
Time waster Concept Dragon Twists in the Ground One more cant hurt... can it? Ded to the Unknown mapper Life in a Circle


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You understood the reasoning AND like it - wow - deserve another salute there my friend. and if i can gather some imagination i will try to make a ded.


i understood your reasoning. lol. And ill muck around with the level a bit...


someone who likes it. makes it all better. :) i salute you paul.

I peronally

like it.


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