Inverse function (repetitive strain injury)

Thumbnail of the map 'Inverse function (repetitive strain injury)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author majikthise_110
Tags author:majikthise_110 n-art rated
Created 2006-11-15
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description One hour later...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Process This!' Thumbnail of the map 'Stop Making Maps!' Thumbnail of the map 'Simplicity redefined' Thumbnail of the map 'Simplicity redefined 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Comic' Thumbnail of the map 'Majikthise 110'
Process This! Stop Making Maps! Simplicity redefined Simplicity redefined 2 Comic Majikthise 110


Pages: (0)


I liked this.
nice effect.

What it is...

This is my second N-art, I was bored and it looks ok to me.
what is it supposed to be? It looks like a load of snapped objects to me.


Well lets see what the polls can do.

keep it up dude

this rocks!

hey brttrx..

you're still not ignoring me dumbass
comments to get attention. We all know it. Ignore em.

You are an idiot.

You are a complete idiot, i hope your pointless sniping days end painfully.


hahaha bussey ur a bastard lol

5/5 for the snipe