
Thumbnail of the map 'Hyperblast'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author snuggletummy
Tags author:snuggletummy rated tileset
Created 2006-12-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I haven't made a tileset in a long time :D. Kudos to those who know where this name comes from.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Aztecian Wonder' Thumbnail of the map 'Sirius' Thumbnail of the map 'Pendant of Destruction' Thumbnail of the map 'Ticking Testimonial of Tremendous Torcher' Thumbnail of the map 'Dis' Thumbnail of the map 'Under the sky so blue.'
Aztecian Wonder Sirius Pendant of Destruction Ticking Testimonial of Tremendous Torcher Dis Under the sky so blue.


Pages: (0)

Die, Human

You are obsolete.
You die too easily.
Witness my perfection.
Fear me.
Bow down!
You are inferior.
Target lifeform eliminated.

(Some of his taunts)

Unreal Tournament

You play it? Its Xans space ship map.