Down the Toliet

Thumbnail of the map 'Down the Toliet'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author NintendoFlash
Tags author:nintendoflash n-art rated
Created 2007-03-05
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Plumber

Other maps by this author

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Jail Break What's The Difference? Ledges Room By Room N-Man N-diana Jones


Pages: (0)


Is this what Mario does for a Job?


I think drawing a toliet is considered art to me.

n art???

what were u thinking

I don't like it...

I hate tunnel maps. Most aren't any good.


not too hard..
Demo Data

Very Nice

I really liked this level. The right amount of difficulty. Good job.

The only part I didn't like was the very beginning with the thwump.