The Erlking

Thumbnail of the map 'The Erlking'

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Author martyr
Tags author:martyr rated tileset
Created 2007-05-22
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description To be used in Coup de Grace!

"..."Won't you come along with me, fine boy?
My girls will tend your keeping.
The Daughters dance such lullabies,
'Twill sing you off to sleeping."

O father, father, why can't you see
The Erlking's daughters dark and gay? ­
"My son, my son, there's no one there
But Willow trees twisted and grey."

"I love you, boy; your charming face;
But if you're not willing, then I'll use force."
Father, father, he's grabbing me!
The Erlking is hurting me! ­

The father shudders and rides so fast,
He holds his moaning child.
To the courtyard swiftly his horse has sped,
But in his arms . . . the child was dead."

The end part of the Erlking


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Picturesque Deprivation' Thumbnail of the map 'From the Otherworld' Thumbnail of the map 'Dreamcatcher' Thumbnail of the map 'Light The Way' Thumbnail of the map 'The turning tide' Thumbnail of the map 'Humanity at the Peak'
Picturesque Deprivation From the Otherworld Dreamcatcher Light The Way The turning tide Humanity at the Peak


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that doesnt justify that your not a numa whore, who puts out filth


that was a accident nutter! =p