Lazer Grid

Thumbnail of the map 'Lazer Grid'

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Author superguh007
Tags action author:superguh007 lasers medium playable unrated
Created 2007-06-25
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Much easier than my average map, but I think thats a good thing. Thanks for the advice, apg!

RCE. Please. Please. PLEASE!

Other maps by this author

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Capture Cliffhanger Psychotic 2x2 Challenge Them Claws Has Plasma Balls! Old Skool Wrench Power Eastward Ho!


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I know, I misspelled it on purpose. And technically, its not even a word, so the point isn't disputable.

Anyway, thanks for the comment.
This is a great map, it has nail biting maneuvers, white knuckle action, and a choice of easy or hard.
Demo Data


Good thing he's too stupid to even know how to snipe correctly.


not much too it