Red Alert

Thumbnail of the map 'Red Alert'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mammaletto
Tags 5-tiles action author:mammaletto conceptual playable rated
Created 2007-07-16
Last Modified 2007-07-16
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Looks puzzle-ish but is actually quite simple. I like this concept and though I doubt it's anything new, I havn't seen it used previously. It was going to be a concept map but I decided to finish it off. I'll probably revisit it so constructive critisism appreciated more than ever!

EDIT: Argh! the thumbnail looks awful!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'So's Your Face' Thumbnail of the map 'Back to Basics' Thumbnail of the map 'Flashes     In. The. Sky. ' Thumbnail of the map 'Albumen' Thumbnail of the map 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley' Thumbnail of the map 'Geriatrics'
So's Your Face Back to Basics Flashes In. The. Sky. Albumen The Wind That Shakes The Barley Geriatrics


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Liked the tight spaces, Nice AGD Demo from u by the way

Very Difficult

But very fun too.


Demo Data


added some launchpads