My first tile-set

Thumbnail of the map 'My first tile-set'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TigerSlash-X
Tags author:tigerslash-x n-art rated rtf tileset tree useable
Created 2007-09-23
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I know it sucks I am trying to become good at making tile-sets.
Made listing to waterfall by the stone roses.

please see my other maps!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My first jumper-ish map.' Thumbnail of the map 'Tiger-Challenge#5 (official)' Thumbnail of the map 'Open!....sesame seed bagel' Thumbnail of the map 'illegal underground racetrack.' Thumbnail of the map 'Tiger-Challenge#6' Thumbnail of the map 'Tiger-Challenge#8'
My first jumper-ish map. Tiger-Challenge#5 (official) Open!....sesame seed bagel illegal underground racetrack. Tiger-Challenge#6 Tiger-Challenge#8


Pages: (0)


Your tutorial on how to use me is not helping. ;_;
'sides I already got one.


Here is how you get a rating from TigerSlash-X: Be nice to him, but do not be mister nice pants either.

*Starts Map*
*Messes Around with the Tileset*
*Asks TigerSlash-X if he could check out Symmetrical Disorder, my newest map*
*Rates tileset for a 3, because although it can be used for lots, it does lack a central theme*


stop spamming.
I will rate some of your maps.


that was one hell of a way to demand a rating :P. on the point of the tileset - its lacking a lot in it. it either needs some of that empty space filled with something or the things that are already there worked on. looks far too broken as it is. N/R yet

Message from God-

"TigerSlash-X, thou have made many maps and there are many people who doth rate and comment on them. Now thou shalt honour thy bargain. condog_111 hath rated 6 of thou maps, and now thou shalt rate 6 of his maps, or thou will incur my wrath! I bequeith onto thee a link to condog_111's maps! now go forth, loyally Map Maker, and rateth his Maps!"

Note:wrath may not actually be incured, but who can be sue these days?


you should check out the tilesets that are here:

there are some good ones and you might get inspired.

i agree with kk

it needs a theme, and a bit of order. Personally, i don't really like tilesets that are as disorganised as this, but the idea is there.

thanks for the CC

Demo Data
but what this tileset is lacking is a central theme

look at all top-rated tilesets, they are have a central theme....this looks like it is a piece of a whole bunch of other maps that are all munched together,a dn its doesn;t work well...



Whilst the tileset feels somewhat rushed, there is a sense of a rich "cartoonish" element that could work effectively with various styles.