i had save secx

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Author Guiseppi
Tags author:guiseppi message rated
Created 2007-09-29
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description this map is so u wil all hav save scxe. u ned 2 use condmis evry time u hav it cuz otherwize u hav lots of consekwensis. evry day 24 chilfren are born + 0nly like 8 of them hav a dad, cuz the rest didnt hav saf sex so there dad left her. plz stop this overpoplatin of unecesary human lief. also another cauze of safe sex is siffilis and other SGD (sxe geting diseas) and that is the #1 kiler of men and woman both so by having sex u r spredding the ilness of the disees. in this map tilshit is a coondim in a putssy and the n is a ejaculation cell. the godl is orgasm gold fro the pensi, and the minez r its siflsis which is tha virus desease. theh tilset is the vagina and the point is the cliteris. the chaingun drones represent the woman klitterous which makes a lady feel nice in bed. plz dont hav unsaved intercorse or else u get sifilyis and babies and life wil never be the same.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Do You Got Nerve?' Thumbnail of the map 'Bruschetta' Thumbnail of the map 'Decisions' Thumbnail of the map 'I Farted and my Shit Blew Up' Thumbnail of the map 'My Penis is Huge' Thumbnail of the map 'Why Would I Even Submit This?'
Do You Got Nerve? Bruschetta Decisions I Farted and my Shit Blew Up My Penis is Huge Why Would I Even Submit This?


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Hands Down.
they stuck a molten hot wire into the urethra


Demo Data
im goinng to hav safe secxs frm now on
Demo Data


I don't want to enterpret the map's disturbing images.

Think real hard.


I know all the wonderful things N can be used for,
But NEVER did I think it would be used to promote safe sex!

omg agd

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its funny because guiseppi is spamming maps