Positive Tension

Thumbnail of the map 'Positive Tension'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lord_day
Tags action author:lord_day bitesized bleeding bloc-party complete drones fail featured gauss hysterical idol mines oneways playable positive puzzle rated tension
Created 2007-09-30
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Bloc Party the fifth.

This map was featured on 2009-12-29

Another open space map from lord_day, this one has a flow to it. Jumping across the void can prove deadly, and if you lackadaisically go about it those gauss will gun your ass down. The difficulty curve is excellent. See, I told you I could use lackadaisically in a review Skyline. :P — rocket_thumped

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '08:Tarantula' Thumbnail of the map 'Sub Machine Blast Before the Blast and during' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm waiting for a hero' Thumbnail of the map 'This Modern Love' Thumbnail of the map ''Cause we're so handsome. And we're so bored' Thumbnail of the map 'Always new depths'
08:Tarantula Sub Machine Blast Before the Blast and during I'm waiting for a hero This Modern Love 'Cause we're so handsome. And we're so bored Always new depths


Pages: (0)

That's correct.

I suppose "if you go about it lackadaisically" might sound better.

The spacing/spelling is correct.


my firefox dictionary told me it was right. D:

Didn't like this. :/


Demo Data

Bloc Party.

Is ftw. Like this map.

Although you can forget the "3/5, 3/5 (it's not enough)" part, this gets a 4.5 for mega-schweetness.

spelling fail and space fail.


you know i love this at first i found it ok but i know see it as awesome well done, 4.5aved
Demo Data
Your maps never cease to amaze me, lord_day. You've always got something really cool whenever I check. At first, this one took me a little bit of time to get. The first jump is a bit akward for me, but eventually I got it and the rest of the map falls into place. Though I actually really detest bloc party, fantastic map.

4.3 / 5


You saw Bloc Party? Thats awesome. I'm yet to see them, but my fingers are crossed.

Thanks for the comments everyone. ^_^
.. I saw Bloc Party at Summercase in Barcelona last July. They were quite good.

The map, though, is outstanding! I'm glad you submitted. :D

i love that band

and song

i love that band

and song
This is REALLY fun. The enemies are brillliant, especially the drones. 4.5aved
Demo Data