Broken Wings

Thumbnail of the map 'Broken Wings'

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Author TribulatioN
Tags actionish agd author:tribulation playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-11-11
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description If you know me, you know that I'm not a-map-a-day type of map maker.
I try to come up with different stuff.
so here's a little AGD puzzle.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Deep Inside a Lab, Stood a Lone Frog.' Thumbnail of the map 'Archetype' Thumbnail of the map 'Learn to Live Again.' Thumbnail of the map 'Reminisce' Thumbnail of the map 'Illmatic' Thumbnail of the map 'Beast Step 1'
Deep Inside a Lab, Stood a Lone Frog. Archetype Learn to Live Again. Reminisce Illmatic Beast Step 1


Pages: (0)


First try demo, agd but not completion.
Since it's my first try I had no idea where the trap doors were, so every time you see me leap off an edge it's a complete guess. The fact that I survived (except for the last one, obviously) is proof of good trap door placement. And good object placement in general. I especially like the gold patterns. 4.5
Demo Data

its good

and fun.