C for Carnival

Thumbnail of the map 'C for Carnival'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author n0valyfe
Tags action alphabet author:n0valyfe challenge mines playable rated
Created 2008-01-29
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description 3rd map in the Alphabet of Challenges, the letter 'C'.

This one has 3 rockets. Its a fun and tricky one.

Completion Demo submitted as always.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Friendly Neighbourhood Line Rider' Thumbnail of the map 'Cracking Ground' Thumbnail of the map 'Eon Spinner' Thumbnail of the map 'Increased Pressure' Thumbnail of the map 'A for Action' Thumbnail of the map 'B for Banana'
Friendly Neighbourhood Line Rider Cracking Ground Eon Spinner Increased Pressure A for Action B for Banana


Pages: (0)

Demo Data


under 350 possible? hmmmm dunno rly... just maybe...

My best is 352 and that's the best I can do, still you are 1 frame faster x)

So me and OutrightOJ share the second place again :)
(I'm talking about his score on n-reality couze he didn't post it here)
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under 350 is possible
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Matched Hendor

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plus de rapide

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Demo Data


I left this for the night, and its rated now :P

Thanks everyone.

@ OutrightOJ, il make the next one a dedication to you, because you have the fastest demo on all 3 :P

So far,

Ive got quickest demo's on every 'Alphabet letter' map. Check them out if you want.

Check this out.

This is an amazing demo I think. Very quick.
As for the map, great concept, quite challenging, and yet so simple. Love it! 4
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Fastest Time

One frame faster than n0valyfe. :)
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Not so bad

Liked it too. 4/5aved


not great, obviously didn't take a lot of time, but i like it. probably a 3.5.
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For the needy. Only watch if you need it :P
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