
Thumbnail of the map 'Diploblastic'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author pepi321
Tags action author:pepi321 playable rated
Created 2008-02-03
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Techno's tileset

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cabalistic' Thumbnail of the map '75-1 Mini Babel' Thumbnail of the map 'Gynandrous' Thumbnail of the map 'Resiniferous' Thumbnail of the map 'Acervate' Thumbnail of the map 'Salicaceous'
Cabalistic 75-1 Mini Babel Gynandrous Resiniferous Acervate Salicaceous


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awesome map.


call your next map sdkljfezk.

Thumbs up.

Well, I have to agree with the majority of what Nexx and Sniperwhere said, but it was still a fun, playable level... And for that you get a 4 and faved.

Demo Data


I'm with Nexx on this. It was also too easy. I got an AGD(but didn't record it. Like usual) on my second try. The gold isn't that hard to get. 3.5

It's okay

Why do I always seem to be the party pooper as of late?

Anyway, the map's alright, but I don't like the back-and-forth-and-back format and the map didn't really seem to utilize the tileset (the one-way islands draw the player towards them because they're big and flat). But maybe I'll have more respect for this map once I toy around with the tileset myself.

Demo Data


with them. Very fun. 4.5/5
Demo Data

Your Ded! :]

ditto on t3chno

very well made, excellent gameplay, good enemy placement. 4.5.

/me likey

I was doing so well! Then I realized the one-way was pushing me to the wrong side, and I jumped, and I hit the mine! Oh no!
Demo Data