TricksMaster Supreme

Thumbnail of the map 'TricksMaster Supreme'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author CommanderCool
Tags action author:commandercool commandercool cool fun puzzle unrated
Created 2008-02-05
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The sequel of the original Tricksmaster,

Difficulty - Medium-Hard, Fun

Even better than original, ;)

Have fun :D

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pretty cool
Demo Data


The trick near the end is that there are hidden locks to doors... Good luck finding them! XD

Very Good-Brilliant

Wow! Nice map! Try my map too, please! Search: dinomario10


fun, could use a bit of editing (to make it harder, and make me more addicted)


nevermind. i looked at the map in edit mode and saw where i went wrong


Can you please post your demo?

I went towards the exit and there was a trap door.

I go to the left and get a few switches but none get me to the area in the upper left.

So what is the trick?