
Thumbnail of the map 'Pendiulms'

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Author ic3pick66
Tags author:ic3pick66 playable race rated
Created 2005-08-08
Last Modified 2005-08-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Penduilms
Nuton's penduilms in n


Pages: (0)

You kept it simple, and it worked. I'd say that in the chaingun drone room the trapdoors weren't needed, it was quite exciting going into that room and the trapdoors caused an anticlimax.

There are some interesting rooms there.
Demo Data


By the way, it's Pendulums, and Newton's...


Easy as pie, but the actual idea was alright. In the room with the chain gun, you should have left out the trap doors. Would have been more challenging.
Demo Data

Yer it is a race

its a race tho, my time is 101.200

Very Easy

You need to spend a bit more time adding suspence to your levels...the only tricky part was getting out of that room with the mine in it...