Comments on "Graph Theory"

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First try agd

Easy as hell if you know graph theory.

Nonetheless, 4.
Demo Data

i beat it

it only took like 20 tries...

It seems I forgot to vote when I posted my comment, so I voted now, but gave you 5. Its started growing on me :P

third try beat.

no peeking. cool map.
Demo Data

Cool puzzle

At least it looks like one lol, I hope it is because i think it is awesome!


got it.
Excellent job, man, here's a 5aved.
Demo Data

beat it!

without watching any of the demos either.
Demo Data


"this actually like something we learnt in maths"

Yes, it is.

Demo Data
I would definitely enjoyed it even more if I used this as an example. *bitten*

would have been a nightmare to make but the result is awesome!!


Demo Data

Well made. Awesome use of doors
Demo Data

I like it

Relatively simple. You need to understand a few things about the basic idea, mainly where you can/cannot start.

Demo Data

If i was just a little more careful...
Demo Data

If i was just a little more careful...
Demo Data
There is only one "solution", but it has many variations.
Demo Data