
Thumbnail of the map 'kkstrong0'

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Author Sniperwhere
Tags action author:sniperwhere ded kkstrong0 unrated
Created 2008-03-07
Last Modified 2008-03-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Also known as cucumber_boy. As you can tell, this map is a Ded to him. For making being the first to beat a puzzle that I had a little bit of trouble on, and making it look like a merry walk in the park. So, play the map, enjoy, and know that it's his fault this map exists. ^_^

To Nexx: I told you I was serious.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Do You Mine'd?' Thumbnail of the map 'Tack Attack' Thumbnail of the map 'It Fits Somewhere' Thumbnail of the map 'Moonshard Hooks' Thumbnail of the map 'The Psycho's Path' Thumbnail of the map 'Looks Mean Nothing'
Do You Mine'd? Tack Attack It Fits Somewhere Moonshard Hooks The Psycho's Path Looks Mean Nothing


Pages: (0)

all gold

neat little flowy map. 4/5
Demo Data


I said opps.


I guess I got everyones hopes up with that comment. I removed the inner gold. But i'm leaving the other thing about the gold and mine combo in there.
I have a couple issues with the gold. I agree with T3chno's point, but I would say just take out the two innermost pairs and leave the two outermost pairs. My other issue is with the gold/mine alternations. They just don't fit in to me.

Also, on your previous map you didn't say, "Ded to the first person to beat it and show a demo", you said, "Ded to ANYONE who beats it and shows a demo." I was saying you weren't going to hand out like 6 deds.

Lame completion.
Demo Data

Should I remove it?

I didn't think it was that bad...

Funny how everytime I just make a design on impulse, it turns out "metanet-ish"
Would look Metanet-ish without it.