Samurai Syndrome

Thumbnail of the map 'Samurai Syndrome'

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Author euphoric_blitz
Tags action author:euphoric_blitz playable rated
Created 2005-08-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Now, I can't beat this (I get as far as the door switch on the left) but I'm sure someone (nevermore, Sendy perhaps) could beat this lickety split. Enjoy.

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the slide...of doom!!! WTF OMG HOW DO YOU BEAT THIS OMG?!?!?1 nothing better to do


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2 things...

1. Any suggestions on how I can make my maps better?

2. If I could beat it, would there be any difference in the score?
How do you know it's possible if you can't do it? It's far easier to make maps for your own skill, and they'll be far better that way.