Find the Trap Doors!

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Author trustworthycheater
Tags ... author:trustworthycheater challenge level possible puzzle rated
Created 2008-03-26
Last Modified 2008-03-26
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description There are trap door switches hidden under gold around the map!
You MUST activate most of the trap doors to reach the switch.


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don't say "Re:". It makes you sound like a Youtube addict.
You cant reach the switch without activating the trap doors.
I added a lot of gold to make it harder to find the trap door switches.
and there is no real structure to the level. the design is pretty ugly and overflow of gold. tip for the future - dont conceal mines behind gold - really annoying and obvious. oh and what was the point of the trap doors? no incentive to get all gold either. but somewhere in there lies a good idea. 1/5 for this