Rockets Of Death

Thumbnail of the map 'Rockets Of Death'

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Author flying_fish
Tags author:flying_fish dda fish flying rated tapp
Created 2008-04-11
Last Modified 2008-04-11
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description DDA... 2000 frames

You might have seen this before... it was made a few months ago. Only this time I fixed something.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lights, Rockets, Action!' Thumbnail of the map 'Face' Thumbnail of the map 'Hendor explodes'
Lights, Rockets, Action! Face Hendor explodes


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Uhh too much gold delay and launchpad use for the average amount of close calls. Lil bit more than better than average (lol)

Quite good

Plenty of close calls, though not much change in propulsion and a lot of gold delay, apart from that, very good. 4


This time he doesn't die ^^ XD
Lots of close calls, pretty good, love it 5/5 ^^
There were a decent amount of close calls, which is good considering how much gold delay and jump pads you used. I especially liked the tileset; it's rare to see any kind of aesthetics in DDA tilesets.

But still, not enough variety in propulsion methods, so
