The Trap

Thumbnail of the map 'The Trap'

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Author kamichaotic
Tags author:kamichaotic fun playable puzzle traps unrated
Created 2008-04-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i'm quite proud of this one. it's not difficult, but it'll take a couple tries to understand it all. it's particularly fun for beginners. :) i'm open to any and all comments, good or bad.

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yeh drikam. it is simple. it is easy. and yes, i am a nooby. wanna make something of it? two points i have and you don't. atleast i'm not some nerd who sits at his computer 24/7 to become anything more than a nooby, and i have a chick (because geeks to that degree are loosers)



omfg glitchy, nooby, stupid.. boring, no gameplay, horrible look, mass enemys. add those tags.
Demo Data

this a shortcut??

... nr
Demo Data


Easy, boring traps suck 2/5.
Demo Data


pretty fun but you can win too easily

like this
Demo Data

the trap extra

oh, and all of the traps have a way out, if you look for it. have fun. :)