BVM Graffiti

Thumbnail of the map 'BVM Graffiti'

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Author bvmanen
Tags author:bvmanen fun playable unrated
Created 2008-05-01
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this has a mural in it AND its has game play... the game play is rly easy but wtv... hope u like it :)

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tunnels and caves the only right you have... is to die duno runnin' around basic drum beat?? thwump, thwump, thwump


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the game play is laggy and sucks a lot

Bad gameplay,

pretty good mural in the center. I don't think anybody would be willing to load the whole map to play it.

Crappy level not worth playing because of the awesome art causing lag in the middle. I like the tag and i'm not going to rate it on the gameplay at all. 4.5/5 well done.