Unknown Fatae

Thumbnail of the map 'Unknown Fatae '

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Author Fenominous
Tags action agd author:fenominous playable unrated
Created 2008-05-06
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My fourth map;

hope you like it
Got the tileset from Bolta1
so special thanks to him

Also take a revieuw to my other map wich hasn't been rated yet ^^.

Comment &nd rate

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Inside the outer world' Thumbnail of the map 'Rare species' Thumbnail of the map 'Sympathy'
Inside the outer world Rare species Sympathy


Pages: (0)

Sweet tileset

looks like a hoozy tileset


Almost a 4. I thought there were a few things that were unnecessary and one of your drones didn't go over the unlocked doors. Whether or not that was intentional, it took away from the congruity of the whole map.

Great job overall though. You have a lot of potential to become an amazing map maker.