Thwumptown Showdown

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwumptown Showdown'

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Author colorprinter
Tags author:colorprinter playable thwump trapdoors tricky unrated
Created 2008-05-27
Last Modified 2008-05-27
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Those thwumps are in your way. The key makes things trickier.

Other maps by this author

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Spirit of the Dead Thwump, Arise


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this is very simple

but very easy too. try adding some mines; the trap doors are a good direction for the map, make just a tad more challenging
Demo Data

this is very simple

but very easy too. try adding some mines; the trap doors are a good direction for the map, make just a tad more challenging

Pretty Cool

Not very challenging, but I appreciate the simplicity. Only took me one try with all gold, but it was pretty good, especially being your second map.