
Thumbnail of the map 'Fwoooomsh'

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Author F3a_2
Tags author:f3a_2 dda rated
Created 2005-08-27
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description My first DDA, I looked at other peoples DDAs and tried to get the best stuff from them. know I used gold delay but the entire thing stuffed up halway through and i had to. Also, there are probably 2 many launch pads but trap doors wouldnt work.

Well, I hope you like it anyway =)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Poke'ball'


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They r 3/4 of a box infront of the door...

trapdoor propulsion

to use trapdoor propulsion u need 2 put the lock 3/4 of a box in front of the trapdoor.


And if trap doors don't work, try moving the switch around closer


You seriously need to fix the beginning.
What's the wall of normal doors for?
And scrap the floorguard it does nothing.
No gold delay should be more important than close calls.
NOBODY bags the floorguard.

Nah, he's there because it makes it a closer call, it's like a mine that moves towards N
The end was a little boring, but really good otherwise. Should have had more action on the bottom left part.

solid map

the map was pretty good
next time revise it
what was the point of the floorguard