
Thumbnail of the map 'Iku!'

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Author Wyvern233
Tags author:wyvern233 dda rated
Created 2005-08-28
Last Modified 2005-08-28
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description As my third DDA, I've slowly tried to bring about the comments and suggestions of the other users and thus slowly develop a more steady-flowing map.
This one is quite a bit more interesting than the other two.
There aren't many more parts where you have to wait for a thwomp to come back from the other side of the map or similar (possible exceptions with one part.)
Well, have fun.

(The title btw just means Go)
(Updated slightly)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sacramenti'


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Slightly updated

Well I decided to just add a few zaps and simply leave it at that.
This map is done with now.

An idea has already sprung for my next map, tilesets I might consider to take alot of time to work with.

I know that, LOGICALLY thinking, enemies being placed first is the way it should go, but sometimes things I make, such as this map, comes out from while I'm just playing around with N bugs using NED. This map, surprisngly enough, came out from an idea of getting N stuck in a tiny 1x1 or 2x2 square room with jump pads and a bounce block that constantly is flying around randomly.

Anyways, look forward to the next map, I probably won't get working on it too soon though.


Even though I've never made a DDA, it seems logical that you would place the enemies first then try to maneuver N around them. In that case all you need to do is place lots of enemies until you are satisfied.

"... and"

Almost forgot to add that...
I'm having those problems because of the stall (yea, I said that already but...)
a) Too late to modify it now, or else even the slightest bit could change the outcome and...
b)Not quite sure of how else I could modify it.

It's been causing me some headaches trying to find a way around it... but anyways... *starts working on the rest of the map*

"More action"

Yea, I gotta admit, it is pretty empty, but it is because of that one part in the lower right where N is stalled that gives me problems with addind turrets. Having a single Laser drone (located almost anywhere on the map) will almost always get him.

Gauss turrets always somehow manage to find a way to screw up the jumps (not too sure how)

Rockets get their free kill when N stalls in the corner.

I have yet to try putting Zap drones however, maybe I'll expand on this map a bit then update it.


It was pretty good. But there's no action in it. How about some lasers/rockets/gausses/chainguns/zaps to spice it up?
The tileset wasn't all that nice either. The top really agitated me. It's practically empty. 3.5/5.

Pretty long

Getting better. You didn't use the a lot of the same movement tricks in it. It was very varied. Could have used an enemy or two, or more action at the top, but still, pretty good.